Ecological and Morphological Diversity in Andean Frogs 

Hector Abundez Serrano, Susie Choe and Dr. Rudolf von May 


How does phenotypic diversity in closely related species vary across environmental gradients? In this study, we examined the variation in body shape across elevation in terrestrial-breeding frogs (Strabomantidae) in the Andes. While recent studies suggest some genera exhibit body size changes with elevation, the patterns of body shape change remain unclear. We used a database of life-history traits including morphology, habitat use, and elevation to test for correlations between body-size corrected variables and elevation. Preliminary analyses suggest that species in two frog genera distributed at high elevations (between 2500 and 4500 m) tend to have shorter limbs, shorter head, and a shorter snout than species at lower elevations. We also discuss patterns of eye body allometry variation across different genera of terrestrial-breeding frogs. While data already shows a variation in eye body size between different genera we expect to see if measurements are proportional to one another, potentially to see if a specific ratio is a characteristic amongst Strobomantidae.


Session 3 – 4:30p.m. – 5:45p.m.

Room A – Sierra 1411